Oyindamola Afolabi
3 min readJan 28, 2022



When I was younger but old enough to enroll for Secondary school education, my Mom stood on her ground that I will further my education in a private school even if it meant working twice as she was to assist my Dad whenever he could not meet up, and this she did as diligent as she could.

She even wanted to enroll me in Command school located at Army Barracks along Jenbewon road, Ibadan. But one thing led to the other and I ended up at Josabig High School where I spent six years successfully. During these times, my Mom tried her best so we (including my brother that joined later) wouldn’t be out of school for not paying school fees when things were tight for Dad, and we were rarely sent back home for school fees with God involved.

What I did not understand then was the reason behind my Mom’s stern decision regarding private secondary schools. Moreover, my senior sisters did attend government schools in their time. Thanks to my service as a corp member in a government school, I got some answers.

Private schools are somewhat different from public schools merely because of the intentionality of the parents and/or guardians, and the motives of the students themselves. How do I mean? Come with me.

For the first time since my existence as a thinking being, I witnessed a brawl amongst public schools students. I was shocked! I couldn’t comprehend what motivate these ones to fight. Do they not think? Is that what’s next? These questions and many more continued to build up in my mind.

As if to add to my confused and shocked state, pupils from primary school joined in the rumpus, and they began to throw stones. This line would be incomplete if I do not add the female students that enjoy the lunacy, and purposely stayed back to be the audience of the combat.

These ones didn’t even fear they could be harmed. They joyously ran back and forth as the brawl subsided or intensified. I remembered my secondary school days when I do run with my heels almost touching the back of my head at the sight of any disorder or rising fracas. Alas! My parents sent me to learn not to fight, and I have only a sharp mouth with no physical strength. May I not be the scape goat.

Back to the scenery of the brawl, when tension was rising and the probability of a bloodshed in no time, our heroes came to the rescue. Yes, TEACHERS!

On this day, about 4-5 teachers including a brave female teacher amongst them stood in between these uncouth students to stop the lunacy. These teachers have their kids at home but they were so concerned about their students whom they know are unaware about the realities of life. If they aware, violence will never be their next resort!

They viewed these uncouth students as their own children and they stepped in with no supernatural power other than their hands and canes plus their fainted voices to take control of the combat. I was touched! I was moved to tears because their act of bravery was dangerous!

We live in a lawless society. In fact, it is only a little different from the pre-political State of Nature where life was ‘nasty, brutish, and short’. The students could mark these teachers’ faces and launch an attack on them later. These teachers knew what was involved but they had to restore sanity into the land, and into their children (students).

Some of these teachers sustained minor injuries but that didn’t stop them from continuing their efforts both verbally and physically to stop these uncouth students from fighting one another violently.

I also observed that no matter how much these superheroes try, their efforts may not be glaring because the lot of these unrefined students do not have a good exemplar back home, and they come to school not to get educated but to while away time. May God help the land!

I use this medium to appreciate all parents and guardians that are genuinely intentional about the education of their kids/wards. If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous (teachers) do?

You made things easier for us. We love you!

To our superheroes without cape,

To our heroes with canes,

We love you!

Anticipate the next part🤩.



Oyindamola Afolabi

I love to write about relationships and lifestyle, and equally enthusiastic about communication and etiquette. I'm a mobile photographer in love with nature.